Effective date: June 12, 2023.

How we collect your personal information:
We only collect necessary information to provide you with VPN services. In these activities, we may request the following information:

Device information:
We need your device information (including operating system, hardware model, and software version) in order to provide you with appropriate technical support, assist you in connecting to our VPN servers, and track your use of our VPN service.

IP address and server logs:
We record the IP address you use to connect to our VPN server as well as network traffic data during your connection in order to identify illegal or improper use of our VPN service. Additionally, we may also record server logs necessary for maintaining, managing, analyzing and improving our VPN service.

How we use your personal information:
We use your personal information to optimize and improve our service, including but not limited to:

Providing and maintaining VPN service:
We use the information you provide to create and maintain your account and provide you with VPN services.

Improving user experience:
We use your personal information to understand how you use our VPN service, which helps us improve our products, services, and user experience.

Security and compliance:
We may use your personal information to protect the security of your devices and network, and to comply with applicable laws, regulations or policies.

How we protect your personal information:
We value the protection of your personal information and take industry standard technical and management measures to ensure the security of your personal information. However, we cannot guarantee absolute security for transmission, storage, or use of data on the Internet.

In addition, we will not sell, exchange, transfer or otherwise disclose your personal information to third parties. We only share your information when necessary, such as:

We need to work with third-party technical support service providers to help us solve technical problems with VPN service.

Cookie statement:
We may use cookie technology to improve your user experience and enhance service quality. Cookies typically contain an anonymous unique identifier and some information about your activity on the website.

We use cookies to understand your preferences and browsing habits in order to better customize products and services for you. We may use cookies to store your login information, remember your language and regional preferences, and track your traffic usage.

Our cookies may be used by third-party analytics and advertising service providers, such as Google Analytics and Google AdSense. These tools and services may collect statistical information that does not include personal identity information to help us improve our products and provide better services. However, these third parties also promise to comply with applicable privacy laws and protect your personal information.

Other considerations:
Please note that our service may contain links to third-party websites, services or resources. We cannot control the content or privacy policies of these sites or applications.

This privacy policy only applies to VigilantVPN and do not apply to any other services or products we may provide to you.

Notification of changes:
We may update this privacy policy at any time. We encourage you to check for updates regularly. We will indicate the last updated date in this privacy policy.

Contact us:
If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy or cookie statement, please contact us at 1803698234@qq.com.

Thank you for using VigilantVPN. We appreciate your trust and support.